- Running CentOS 8
- Root Access (typical on a VPS) or have a sudo user (typical on a shared hosting environment or other VPS environments)
- Comfortable with YUM/DNF and RPM commands (Please don’t blindly copy and paste code, understand it!)
Step 1: Install EPEL repository
There is two repositories which we will be relying on to install FFMpeg on CentOS 8. The first is the EPEL repository, which contains a bunch of extra packages not shipped with the base CentOS 8 install media.
In CentOS 8, the EPEL repository can be installed using YUM or DNF, whichever you’re more comfortable with. DO NOT issue both commands, one or the other.
For YUM, issue the following command:
yum install
If you’re using DNF, use the following command:
dnf -y install
You should have successfully installed the EPEL repository at this point.
Step 2: Install RPM Fusion repository
RPM Fusion has two repositories we will be using, a free one and a nonfree one. They are both free to use, but the nonfree repository contains software that may not be covered under open source licensing.
Using YUM, you can install using the following command:
yum install
If you prefer DNF, use the following command:
dnf config-manager --enable PowerTools && dnf install --nogpgcheck
Please remember, only use YUM or DNF, but not both. This will cause conflicts.
Step 3: Install SDL2 Library Dependencies
FFMpeg will require the use of the SDL2 library. You can install it with your favorite tool again.
Using YUM, issue the following command:
yum install
With DNF, use the following command:
dnf install
This should show a successful install of the SDL2 libraries.
Step 4: Install FFMpeg
Here’s what you’ve been waiting for! Let’s actually install FFMpeg.
Using YUM, the following command:
yum install ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel
Using DNF, issue the following command:
dnf install ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel
This should leave you with a successful install of FFMpeg.
Step 5: Verify install of FFMpeg
rpm -qi ffmpeg ffmpeg -version